Role of Curtain Rods

Curtains are the game changer for any room be it your bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, living or dining room, they have the make or break impact. Curtains have the ability to create a cohesive impact amongst all the furniture pieces in the room. So it’s crucial to choose the right kind of curtains and most importantly the right accessories for the curtains to hang over from.

Speaking of accessories, curtain rods which are also called curtain poles, curtain rails or traverse rods in different regions and it’s something from which the curtains suspend play a vital role in shaping your curtains too. The right kind of rods uplift the beauty in them while the wrong choice of rods can tarnish the image of your room.

-Different types of curtain rods.

While scrolling through brochures, you will come across many types of rods available in the marketplace. Ranging from metal rods to ceramic rods, the collection is virtually overwhelming. For a majority of people they consider standard curtain rods for all their curtain needs because they fit well for most of the curtains.

-Curtain rods are visually pleasing.

No matter which type of curtain you prefer for your home  they will be shaped hugely by the rods from which they suspend, the overall look of curtains are finely shaped by these rods and the wrong choice can make even your expensive upholstery look cheap and tacky.

Choosing the right size of curtain rods.

As the right size of curtains is important in the aesthetic impact of the room, the right size of its curtain rod is also undeniable. Ill sized rods will diminish the ambiance. It’s better to seek professional help to measure for your curtain rods because even an inch of it is less will not let your curtains hang properly.

Chose the Right Type Of Exposure For Your Curtains.

Most of the times the curtains in any room have a lot of exposure as compared to the other elements in the room.  Some of us love to have an antique feel for their rooms and their whole ambiance relies around rustic themes. Then there are some who love contemporary lines in their homes décor. So it’s vital for you to match your rods to the rooms décor otherwise they will look cheap as compared to your rooms prevalent décor. Consider visiting antiques world for more varieties of antiques suitable to your taste.

Choosing the Right Kind of Curtain Rods.

This is another key aspect that cannot be overlooked because curtain rods impact the way your curtains look. For example light weight net or sheer curtains cannot be suspended from a thick wrought metal rod. That wont look good, will it? Likewise, expensive heavy drapery to accessorize your windows and you choose for a billowing metal rod, will it be able to sustain the weight of your drapery? Definitely not. Rather over a period of time, your rod will bend and damage the drapes too.

So these were some points to know the importance of curtain rods in any room.

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